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ProGlove Documentation

Add a Workflow Rule
  1. Under Add Workflow Rules, click Add Rule.

    The Workflow Rule page displays the Trigger section automatically.

  2. In the top left corner, type in the Rule Name.

  3. In the Trigger section, select the action that initiates the rule and Save Trigger.

    The Success modal window displays the Add Action and Add Condition buttons.

  4. In the left panel, under Condition, click Add or select Add Condition in the Success modal.

    The Condition section displays in the right-side panel.

  5. In the Condition section, define the condition by selecting from the drop-down menus and Save Condition.

    The Success modal window displays the Add Action and Add Condition buttons.

  6. In the left panel, under Action, click Add or select Add Action in the Success modal.

    The Action section displays in the right-side panel.

  7. In the Action section, define the action by selecting from the drop-down menus and Save Action.

    The Success modal window displays

  8. At the bottom left, select Save Rule.

    The rule displays in the Workflow Rules section.


When creating a rule, select a Trigger to designate when the rule is applied:

  • Incoming Barcode - the rule is executed when a scanned barcode data is received

  • Connected - the rule is executed when a scanner connects to the Android device

  • Button - Double Trigger - the rule is executed when you double-press the triggering button on the glove (trigger).


You can only add one Trigger per Workflow Rule.


If you select the Incoming Barcode as the Trigger, you can add certain Conditions to specify when the rule is executed.


You can add multiple Conditions in a Workflow Rule. All Conditions must be met for the Workflow Rule to be executed.

You can add Conditions for:

Barcode content

For the Barcode content condition, you can select the following operations:

  • Barcode content is equal - Actions are only executed if the barcode content is identical to the entered value

  • Barcode content is not equal - Actions are only executed if the barcode content is different from the entered value

  • Barcode content does contain - Actions are only executed if the barcode content contains the entered value

  • Barcode content does not contain - Actions are only executed if the barcode content does not contain the entered value

  • Barcode content does match Regex - Actions are only executed if the barcode content matches the entered Regular expression

  • Barcode content does not match Regex - Actions are only executed if the barcode content does not match the entered Regular expression.

Barcode length

For the Barcode length condition, you can select the following operations:

  • Barcode length is equal - Actions are only executed if the number of characters in the barcode content is identical to the entered number

  • Barcode length is not equal - Actions are only executed if the number of characters in the barcode content is different than the entered number.


For the Symbology condition, you can select the following operations:

  • Symbology is one of - Actions are only executed if the scanned barcode symbology matches the selected symbologies

  • Symbology is not one of - Actions are only executed if the scanned barcode symbology does not match any of the selected symbologies.


After you selected the Trigger and the Condition, you can specify what happens when they are met by defining and Action.

There are three Action types: Execution, Barcode transformation and Output.

  • Make a Beep - the mobile device beeps

  • Screen Time Reset - resets the sleep timer for your Android device's screen

  • Toggle Keycode - presses a specific keycode on the virtual keyboard (requires the Software Keyboard integration). Possible keycodes can be found here (all constants starting with KEYCODE_)

  • Hide Keyboard - On-screen keyboard is hidden

  • Open Link in Browser - opens the specified link in the browser (Make sure to include the protocol, e.g.

  • Open link from Barcode in Browser - opens the specific link contained in the scanned barcode in the browser. (Make sure to whitelist the domain for a secure process and that only barcode contains only the link and nothing else).

Barcode transformation
  • Prepend text - the entered string is inserted as the prefix of the barcode

  • Append text - the entered string is inserted as the suffix of the barcode

  • Insert at position - inserts the specified string inside the barcode content starting at the selected position (e.g. from the third character)

  • Insert before - inserts the specified string before the selected position inside the barcode content

  • Insert after - inserts the specified string after the selected position inside the barcode content

  • Replace range - replaces the characters between the two specified character positions with the entered replacement Text

  • Replace Regex - you can enter a Regular Expression and replace it with the designated replacement Text (To learn more, see Regular Expressions)

  • Replace all before - replaces the content before the specified string with entered replacement Text. If you select Before last, the replacement is applied before all instances of the specified string within the barcode

  • Replace all after - replaces the content after the specified string with entered replacement Text. If you select After last, the replacement is applied after all instances of the specified string within the barcode

  • Replace text - replaces the specified string with the entered replacements Text. If you select Apply to all, all instances of the specified string within the barcode are replaced

  • Delete range - deletes the characters between the two specified positions (excluding the character marking the Range End)

  • Delete Regex - deletes the specified Regular Expression from the barcode content. If you select Apply to all, all instances of the specified string within the barcode are deleted

  • Delete all before - deletes all characters before the specified string. If you select Before last, the characters preceding all instances of the specified string are deleted

  • Delete all after - deletes all characters after the specified string. If you select After last, the characters following all instances of the specified string are deleted

  • Delete text - deletes the specified string inside the barcode content. If you select Apply to all, all instances of the specified string within the barcode are deleted


This group of Actions only displays if you select a Custom Integration path. It allows you to define a custom way of transferring the barcode and applying the workflow rule.


Output Actions are always executed last, regardless of the order inside the workflow rule.

  • Paste barcode data - pastes the exact character order of the scanned barcode content. (Make sure that the ProGlove keyboard must be enabled and set as default. Field, where content is pasted, must be focused)

  • Type barcode data - enters the scanned barcode content by simulating keypresses character by character. Special keys (e.g. TAB) are executed as a function. You can adjust the simulated Key hold duration and Time between key presses

  • Send via WebSocket - sends the scanned barcode content via WebSockets using a pre-defined port number

  • Send to SDK - sends the scanned barcode content via the SDK integration path

  • Broadcast intent - sends the scanned barcode content via the Broadcast Intent integration path. You can specify the action

  • Start the activity with action - sends the data with the Intent that starts the Activity registered for defined Intent action

  • Start the activity with the component - sends the data with the Intent that starts the defined Activity in the defined application package.



Output action Start activity with component is not supported on Android 11 OS and higher due to Package visibility limitations introduced with this Android OS version. For more information please look into the respective Android documentation.