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ProGlove Documentation


The Scan2Pair feature allows you to connect your scanner to INSIGHT Mobile by scanning the pairing barcode.

Connect a scanner to INSIGHT Mobile

Prerequisite: Bluetooth connection enabled on your Android device.

  1. Open INSIGHT Mobile on your Android device.

  2. At the top of the Device screen, tap SCAN2PAIR.

    The pairing barcode displays.

  3. Scan the pairing barcode with your scanner.

    Your scanner is now paired with INSIGHT Mobile.


If there is no scanner connected on the INSIGHT Mobile app start, the pairing barcode screen displays automatically.

Pairing timer

When using the Scan2Pair feature, you have 60 seconds to connect your scanner. The timer is visible at the bottom of the Scan2Pair screen.

If you do not connect a scanner within that time frame, the Not Connected error screen displays. From there, you can select to Cancel the action, or Retry connecting.

Selecting Retry displays a new pairing barcode with the timer reset.


Below, you may find known limitations regarding the Scan2Pair feature.

BLE scanning abuse prevention

Affected systems: Android 7 and higher

Android 7 introduced the BLE scanning abuse prevention feature that prevents an app from stopping and starting BLE scans more than 5 times within 30 seconds. The aim was to prevent abusive apps but it may lead to disconnecting when triggering the PairingActivity multiple times within this time span (either by tapping Scan2Pair in INSIGHT Mobile or by displaying the pairing barcode using Intent/SDK API.)

To learn more about this behavior, see DP4 release notes.

HID vs. Scan2Pair

If you have paired your Android device with the scanner via HID before, connecting via Scan2Pair might not work properly.

To fix this, after unpairing and forgetting the scanner from the system's Bluetooth screen, reboot your Android device or clear the cache of the system's Bluetooth service. E.g. Bluetooth MIDI Service (system app) on Samsung devices.

Reconnection while the screen is off

Starting from Android OS 10, Bluetooth scanning is restricted while the screen is off. In case your scanner is out of range, make sure that Android device screen is on so the scanner can reconnect to it.

Reconnection limitation for Android 12

Due to the Bluetooth issue introduced with Android 12 and in order to maintain best user experience on devices using Android 12 (API 31) and above, the INSIGHT Mobile (Android) app now assumes every disconnection was unintended and attempts to reconnect. Note that if a worker goes out of range and the scanner disconnects unintentionally, INSIGHT Mobile will start a reconnection and connect the scanner as soon as the worker is back within range. However, if a worker disconnects the scanner on purpose (i.e. puts it in the charger), the scanner will stay disconnected even with the INSIGHT Mobile (Android) app trying to reconnect. To pair the scanner again, use the Scan2Pair feature.