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ProGlove Documentation

Remote Configuration

Activate remote configuration options for one or all the levels within the My Organization structure using Level settings.

You can apply a different configuration to each level/sublevel or apply a single configuration to a specific level and have INSIGHT pass it down to its sublevels. If teams on all levels work in the same way, you can apply a configuration directly to the main level (My Organization) and pass it down to the whole structure in a few easy steps.

Apply your configuration remotely
  1. On INSIGHT webportal, select Devices

  2. From the defined structure within My Organization, select the level/sublevel to which you want to link and apply the configuration.

  3. After you have selected a level, open the three-dot menu next to the level name or click the More button in the top-right corner, and select Settings.

  4. Switch to the Remote Config tab and click Add Configuration to select it from the drop down menu to assign it to the selected level. In case there are no previously created configurations, you can use the button located below the menu to go directly to the Configuration tool and create one. Once you create the configuration, you will need to return to this screen to apply the configuration to the level/sublevel.

  5. Once you've completed the setup, click Apply at the bottom of the page.

  6. The configuration is then applied to the selected level, its sublevels, and all associated Connectivity devices will receive the configuration next time they become active.


  • In case Connectivity devices are linked with a hierarchy of levels with sublevels, the level most specific (or closest) to the Connectivity device overrules all other levels.

  • Only one configuration can be a applied to a level or sublevel (1:1).

  • Levels within My Organization should have a single type of Connectivity device (e.g. INSIGHT Mobile or Gateway and Gateway Plus).

  • In case you are using older configuration files created before the release of the Remote Configuration functionality make sure you edit and save them once before you are able to link them to levels and/or sublevels.

Check if the configuration was successfully applied

Prerequisite: Connectivity device has the status of Connected in the Connectivity device list

  1. In the Devices list, find the Connectivity device and click to open its details.

    The Configuration section shows the configuration which is currently deployed on the Connectivity device.

  2. Go to the Scanners list and repeat the same steps to see the scanner details and its current configuration.