To get started with developing your own native Android scanning apps or to validate your SDK and Intent API integration, you can access our sample app's code. Go to our open-source GitHub repository and select a module of the sample app to use as a starting point when building your own app.
pgSdkSampleApp - an SDK sample app for the scanner and display, written in Kotlin
pgSdkSampleJavaApp - an SDK sample app for the scanner and display, written in Java
pgIntentSampleApp - an Intent API sample app for the scanner and display, written in Kotlin
pgSlimIntentSampleApp - an Intent API minimal feature scope sample app for the scanner
pgSlimIntentSampleJavaApp - an Intent API minimal feature scope sample app for the scanner, written in Java.
Clone the repository.
Open the project's root directory in your desired IDE (e.g. Android Studio or IntelliJ).
Build and run the selected module.
Certain features may require a license in order to work. To access them, see how to apply for early access.