SOTI MobiControl
Before setting up INSIGHT Mobile (Android) with SOTI MobiControl or other MDM (Mobile Device Management) solutions, review the requirements listed here.
Set up INSIGHT Mobile using SOTI MobiControl
Open MobiControl and select App Policies from the drop-down menu in the top-left corner.
Click +NEW APP POLICY and choose Android/Android Enterprise in the dialogue.
Fill in the general information, then switch to the APPS tab and click the plus (+) button in the top-right corner to add INSIGHT Mobile.
Ensure your Managed Google Play is bound to your SOTI MobiControl and follow the steps below:
Select the relevant account and, for the App Type, select Managed Google Play.
If you don't see INSIGHT Mobile in the Apps list, make sure you approved it in your Managed Google Play. To do so, click Managed Google Play to open Google Play.
Select INSIGHT Mobile by checking the box next to it in the Apps list.
To continue to the next step and set up your device configurations, click the gear icon next to INSIGHT Mobile.
Add your configuration
Prerequisites: Managed Google Play is bound to SOTI MobiCOntrol, App is available and approved on company's Managed Google Play account.
Clicking the ASSIGN button, once you have selected the devices, will create the App policy.
Go to the Managed App Config tab and toggle the Enable Managed App Config button.
Available configurations will become visible right below.
Paste the
encoded ProConfig file in its field.Click SAVE to save the configuration, then ADD to add INSIGHT Mobile to App policy.
Select your devices or device groups and click SAVE AND ASSIGN to save the the App policy and assign it to the selected devices.
In case you want to edit the App policy later, you can always find it in the APPS tab. Click the three-dot menu next to the App name, and select Configure to make changes.
Send provisioning files
Prerequisites: Managed Google Play is bound to SOTI MobiCOntrol, App is available and approved on company's Managed Google Play account.
Go to the Managed App Config tab and toggle the Enable Managed App Config button.
Available configurations will become visible right below.
Paste the
encoded Provisioning file in its field.Click SAVE AND ASSIGN to save the the App policy and assign it to the selected devices.
Set ProGlove keyboard as default
To set the ProGlove keyboard via adb on a connected Android device, use the bellow command:
adb shell ime set de.proglove.connect/de.proglove.keyboard.LatinIME
Additional information
For more information on SOTI script commands, visit Script commands for Android Plus devices.
To learn more about integrating ProGlove scanners with SOTI Surf, see below and visit the integration guide. For any support regarding SOTI products, please contact SOTI at or go to
The integration between your ProGlove scanners and Android devices can be handled using the SOTI Surf browser.
Prerequisite: INSIGHT Mobile (Android) app installed and configured. Recommended Android OS 7.0 and higher (API level 24).
Due to the setup being done in SOTI MobiControl using the SOTI Surf browsers, kindly refer to the SOTI Help page for more details and support.