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ProGlove Documentation

Status folder


All status files are encoded in JSON so that it is both human-readable as well as machine-parsable. The output paths in the following table are relative to the volumes root directory.

The Status Folder contains the following information about any Gateway Plus and its connected scanners:


Output paths


Error log


Recent error logs truncated to max 2 MiB



Currently saved, default and active Profiles both as Protobuf Files and JSON representations

Failed updates

Status/failed/<original path>

Any firmware update failed to apply

Connected scanners


List of currently connected scanners

Gateway Plus device information


Information about the Gateway Plus firmware and hardware

Installed packages


Information about all installed debian packages

WebSocket information


Websocket connection information (address, state)

Network information


Network information (IP address, connectivity)

Gateway Plus Device Information

The file Status/software/gateway_info.json contains information about the Gateway Plus device and the running firmware version. The output is similar to the one obtained by scanning the Gateway Plus.

Example 28. Example:
    "serial_number": "PGGP000000058",
    "board_serial_number": "69588B04",
    "distributor_pairing_name": "PGGP-00058",
    "app_version": "v1.11.0",
    "kernel_version": "Linux 4.19.126+ #4 Tue Jun 16 08:55:42 CEST 2020",
    "hostname": "progateway-69588B04",
    "build_date": "Fri, 10 Sep 2021 16:48:03 +0100",
    "bluetooth_mac_address": "B8:27:EB:F2:21:AE",
    "wifi_mac_address": "B8:27:EB:0D:DE:51"

MARK Device Information

The file Status/devices/connected.json contains information about all connected scanners' hardware and firmware version. The output is similar to the one obtained by scanning the Gateway Plus service barcode.

To update this file for all connected devices, eject the Mass Storage and remount it again. If the Mass Storage Mode is set to Continuous, remounting happens automatically. If set to Manually, scan the Enable Mass Storage QR code to remount.

Example 29. Example:
    "connected_scanners": [ 
            "serial_number": "MDMR000000063", 
            "firmware_version": "v2.0.1-rc1", 
            "device_model": "Mark Two", 
            "device_manufacturer": "Workaround GmbH" 
            "serial_number": "M2MR000001252", 
            "firmware_version": "v2.5.0", 
            "device_model": "Mark Two", 
            "device_manufacturer": "Workaround GmbH" 

Network information

Status/software/network_status.json contains the network connectivity information.

  • Info - Current information of the connectivity and state

    • State - The current network state and its description

    • Connectivity - The current connectivity

  • Active connection - Information about the current connection if available

    • Type - WiFi or Ethernet

    • SSID - Access point the Gateway is connected to if WiFi is used

    • IP addresses - IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

  • Log - Last 25 log entries of the network activity

Example 30. Example
    "network": {
        "info": {
            "state": "CONNECTED_GLOBAL",
            "state_description": "There is global IPv4 and/or IPv6 Internet connectivity This means the Internet connectivity check succeeded.",
            "connectivity": "FULL",
            "connectivity_description": "The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet."
        "active_connection": {
            "connection": {
                "type": "wifi",
                "ssid": "EXAMPLE_SSID"
            "ip": [
                    "version": 4,
                    "address": "",
                    "prefix": 24,
                    "gateway": ""
        "log": [
                "time": 19.878621101379395,
                "content": "new state for Wi-Fi PREPARE with reason NONE"
                "time": 19.907071828842163,
                "content": "network state changed to CONNECTING"

WebSocket information
  • Enabled - State of the WebSocket in the current configuration

  • State - Connection state with the server

  • URI The URI to connect to the server (username and password are hidden with the *HIDDEN* keyword

  • Log - The last 25 log entries of the activity.

Example 31. Example
    "websocket": {
        "enabled": true,
        "state": "disconnected",
        "uri": "wss://*HIDDEN*:*HIDDEN*@foo.local:4242/",
        "log": [
                "time": 0.4691736698150635,
                "content": "wait for 2 seconds before connecting to the Websocket server"
                "time": 3.0746307373046875,
                "content": "connect to the Websocket server"


The file Status/profiles/ is a zipped archive of all saved configuration files downloaded from INSIGHT. It contains the Protobuf files (.wcfg1p) of the configurations sent to Gateway Plus as well as the currently active configuration. The default profile is relevant when programmatical switching between profiles will be supported. To apply for the early access program, contact

The profile also contains a JSON directory where all the JSON representations of the above files can be found (.wcfg1p.json). Both the scanner and gateway configurations are part of this file.

Service barcodes

After connecting the scanner to your Gateway Plus, you can access all major device information like firmware or hardware version by scanning the Service Barcodes.

Gateway Plus service barcode


Gateway Plus and scanner combined service barcode
