ProGlove Documentation

Connect an Android device

To send scanner and other data to our cloud platform, you need to connect your Android devices to your Insight Webportal account.

Prerequisite: Process Layout hierarchy defined with at least one Location.

Learn more about the ways to connect Android devices to Insight:

  1. Connect with individual files for each device

    This method is available for all Insight Mobile Android versions and is necessary if connecting devices using Insight Mobile version 1.15.0 and below.

    It is required to use individual staging certificates files for each device you are trying to connect, and the process is limited to connecting a maximum of 10 devices at a time. Connecting many devices to Insight can take some time, so using staging certificates is recommended.

  2. Connect with one file for multiple devices

    This method is recommended for devices using Insight Mobile Android 1.16.0 and above.

    It allows you to connect multiple Android devices with the same certificate and is the easiest way to connect devices to Insight.

    Staging certificates can be applied to the Android devices either via downloading the file, or a base 64 encoded String in managed Google Play setups from Insight Mobile Android 1.19.0, and also via QR Code scan.

Connect Android devices with individual files

You can connect your Android device by downloading provisioning files for each device from Insight Webportal and following the procedure described below:


Setting up the complete Process Layout hierarchy before enrolling Connectivity Devices like Gateway and Insight Mobile (Android) is mandatory. Make sure the layout resembles your organizational structure and consists of the hierarchical levels you need. This will make it easier for you to manage devices. You can also test a smaller number of devices but you might have to re-enroll the devices later when building your complete hierarchy.

  1. In the Insight Webportal → Device Visibility, select Devices.

  2. After you have created your process hierarchy in the Process Layout panel, click on the Connect Devices button that appears in the center section, or click on the three dots (...)next to the desired level and select + Connect Devices.


    A Select a Connectivity Device window displays.

  3. Select Insight Mobile (Android) and Connect with individual files for each device., then click Next.

    The Create Connectivity Devices section displays the defined Process Layout hierarchy.

  4. Enter the Device Name and click Create Device.

    The Provision slide panel displays a QR code if you are trying to connect a single device and displays additional options.

  5. Decide how you would like to connect the device(s).

    1. Option 1: Scan the QR codewith the Android device you would like to connect. The device will then automatically download the Provisioning file, connect to Insight and show up in the Connectivity Devices list. (available only when connecting a single Android device)

    2. Option 2: Click Download and save the provisioned .zip file.

      Extract the .zip file and upload the Provisioning file to the /sdcard/Android/data/de.proglove.connect/files/ folder on your Android device.

  6. Click Done.

Download the provisioning file from the list

If you click Done before downloading the provisioning file, you can still download the provisioning file by selecting your device from the Connectivity Device List and clicking the Download button.

If you select multiple devices with the checkbox in the list, the downloaded .zip file will contain a provisioning file for every device selected. Continue with the steps in Distributing to finish connecting your devices to Insight Webportal.Distributing

Connect an Android device by scanning a QR code

An Android device can be connected to Insight Webportal at any point in time by scanning a QR code from a particular Process Layout in the Devices section. The QR code resembles the staging certificate/template used by the Android device to connect to the Process Layout hierarchy on Insight Webportal.


This feature is available from Insight Mobile (Android) 1.19.0.

  1. Find the process level to which you would like to connect the Android device.

  2. Open the action menu by clicking on the three dots (...) next to the desired process level and click on Connect via QR Code.

    → A modal displaying a QR Code will open.

  3. On your Android device which has Insight Mobile Android installed, open the Connectivity section and scan the QR Code.

    → The Android device connects to the Insight Webportal automatically and displays in the Connectivity Devices list.



Connecting Uniherz Atom devices is not possible by scanning the QR code. We recommend downloading the staging certificate and following the process described here.

Connect Android devices with a single staging certificate

Staging certificates/templates allow you to connect multiple Android devices to Insight Webportal using a single file. Each staging certificate/template is related to a process level under which connected devices will be displayed when they are enrolled for the first time.

Prerequisite: Insight Mobile Android 1.16.0 and above.


Setting up the complete Process Layout hierarchy before enrolling Connectivity Devices like Gateway and Insight Mobile (Android) is mandatory. Make sure the layout resembles your organizational structure and consists of the hierarchical levels you need. This will make it easier for you to manage devices. You can also test a smaller number of devices but you might have to re-enroll the devices later when building your complete hierarchy.

  1. In the Insight Webportal → Device Visibility, select Devices.

  2. After finishing the setup of your organizational structure in the Process Layout panel, click on the Connect Devices button in the center section. Alternatively, click on the three dots (...) next to the defined Location and select + Connect Devices.


    A Select a Connectivity Device window displays.

  3. Select Insight Mobile (Android).


    The section displays two options. Select Connect with individual files for each device to create a staging certificate/template per device, or Connect with one file for multiple devices to use a single file across multiple devices.

  4. Select the right option for your environment.

    • File-based download:

      Download Staging Certificate: Downloads the staging certificate and template named after the related process level as a compressed .fleet file. The file needs to be placed on the Android device as described in the next step.

      Scan a QR Code: Available from Insight Mobile 1.19.0 on. Downloads the staging certificate and template via the URL in the QR Code as a compressed .fleet file and applies it to the Android device automatically. The device will then show up on Insight Webportal in the Connectivity Devices list.

    • Managed Google Play setup

      Required when connecting a device running on Android 10 or higher to make sure to comply with the scoped storage requirements. Generates and downloads a string containing the staging certificate and template which can be applied via Managed Google Play Store.

  5. Place the .fleet file containing the staging certificate and template to your Android device(s) under /sdcard/Android/data/de.proglove.connect/files/. You can do so manually or use your EMM (MDM).

  6. Start Insight Mobile Android and continue the usual Pairing process.

    The device will connect to Insight using the staging certificate.

    On Insight, it will show in the Connectivity Devices list under the respective process level.

    The name of the device is the same as the ID shown in the Insight Connectivity section on Insight Mobile Android. If you prefer to use a different name, make sure to change it immediately after connecting the device.

Connect an Android device by scanning a QR code

An Android device can be connected to Insight Webportal at any point in time by scanning a QR code from a particular Process Layout in the Devices section. The QR code resembles the staging certificate/template used by the Android device to connect to the Process Layout hierarchy on Insight Webportal.


This feature is available from Insight Mobile (Android) 1.19.0.

  1. Find the process level to which you would like to connect the Android device.

  2. Open the action menu by clicking on the three dots (...) next to the desired process level and click on Connect via QR Code.

    → A modal displaying a QR Code will open.

  3. On your Android device which has Insight Mobile Android installed, open the Connectivity section and scan the QR Code.

    → The Android device connects to the Insight Webportal automatically and displays in the Connectivity Devices list.



Connecting Uniherz Atom devices is not possible by scanning the QR code. We recommend downloading the staging certificate and following the process described here.

Connect by importing proxy settings in the network.json file

If you do not want to include your network's password in the configuration file (created on Insight Webportal), you can provide it in the network.json template and upload it directly to your Android device by following these steps:

Create a network.json file
  1. Open a text editor (E.g. Notepad, Sublime Text, VS Code).

  2. Copy the snippet below into the editor.

      "wifi": {
    	"wifi_auth": [
    		    "ssid": "Your SSID",
    		    "visibility": "ACCESS_POINT_VISIBILITY_VISIBLE",
    		    "wpa_psk": {
    		        "psk": "Your Password"


    • To connect a gateway device and set up your connection using different authentication protocols, see Connect Gateway to Wi-Fi.

    Proxy settings may contain other variables which are relevant for usage on Gateway. Those settings will be ignored on Insight Mobile (Android).

    Table 8. Proxy settings

    Field Name




    Default Value



    Host name of the proxy server that should be used

    String, URL format without protocol (http, https prefix)

    "", "", null


    If this is null, port is expected to be null as well, and no proxy will be set.


    Port number of the proxy server that should be used

    Integer, valid port number

    "8080", null


    If this is null, hostname should be null as well, and no proxy will be set.


    In case of no specified proxy, check whether to use or ignore proxy settings configured on OS Wi-Fi connection level.


    true, false


    If no proxy is configured, by default OS level proxy will be used. You must specify as "true" if that proxy should be ignored.

  3. Under ssid, replace Your SSID with the name of your Wi-Fi network.

  4. Under psk, replace Your Password with the password for the entered ssid.

  5. Save the file as network.json.

  6. Create a .zip archive of the network.json file and name it The .zip archive file can contain other files, those will be ignored.

Push file to the Android device

To achieve this, run the following command:

adb push path/to/ /sdcard/Android/data/de.proglove.connect/files/

Ensure the file is located in the following location: /sdcard/Android/data/de.proglove.connect/files/ and restart the ProGlove Insight Mobile application.

It is not required for the ProGlove Insight Mobile app to run while pushing the file. If the application was running when the file was pushed, we recommend to restart it so the new proxy settings can be used.


Alternatively, the same command can run over EMMs that support it.

Re-enroll an Android device to Insight using a Staging Certificate

It is possible to use Staging Certificates and Templates to re-enroll devices to Insight at different Locations - or of course any other process level of the Process Layout hierarchy.

To do so, follow the steps as described under Connect Android devices with a Staging Certificate and place the file on a Connectivity Device that has already been enrolled. The Connectivity Device will then show under the new process level to which the Staging Certificate and Template relate.Connect Android devices with a Staging Certificate

Connection status

There are five connection statuses:

  1. Not Registered - The Connectivity Device has been created using Insight Webportal or Insight API via manual connection but the Provisioning file has not been downloaded or could not be created.Connect Android devices with single files for each device

  2. Registering - The Connectivity Device has been created using Insight Webportal or Insight API, and the Provisioning file has been downloaded and placed on the device. The device is now trying to connect.

  3. Disconnected - The Connectivity Device has not been sending any messages for the last two hours.

  4. Connected - The Connectivity Device has been paired with a scanner at least once and has sent a message within the last two hours.

  5. Unknown - The Connectivity Device is in an undefined connection state.

Verify connection status

There are three ways to make sure your Android device is connected to Insight Webportal:

  1. In Insight Mobile:

    1. Connect your scanner.

    2. On the Device homepage, scroll down to Insight Registration.

    3. At the bottom of Insight Registration, the Connection Status displays.

  2. On Insight Webportal:

    1. Under Device Visibility, select Devices.

      The Connectivity Device List displays.

    2. If registered, your device’s status displays in the Status column.

  3. On Insight Webportal:

    1. Connect your scanner to Insight Mobile.

    2. Scan a barcode.

    3. Open Insight Webportal.

    4. Under Device Visibility, select Devices.

      The connected Scanners list displays.

    5. If connected properly, your scanner’s status displays in the Status column.

Live Data Connection

Use the Process Analytics section of Insight Webportal to view live scan data, and the Device Visibility section to track information on connected devices. More details can be found here.


Make sure that your device’s network connectivity is stable when trying to register it on Insight Webportal, or when sending data after the registration.