Reset a Gateway Plus device
There are situations where you need to reset the Gateway Plus while keeping some of your configurations and settings intact. If you do not want to interrupt mission-critical workflows or impose any problems in production, use the barcodes below to do a partial and safe reset of your Gateway Plus devices.
Partial reset of Gateway Plus devices
Scanning the following barcodes allows your Gateway Plus devices to preserve:

Connection to the INSIGHT webportal
Device configuration
Network configuration

Connection to the INSIGHT webportal
Network configuration
After performing a partial reset using one of the above barcodes, the Gateway Plus device will reboot.
Scanning the barcode below will keep your INSIGHT webportal connection (provisioning files), as well as your configuration settings, and remove only the cache assets downloaded for performing Remote Updates.

Full reset of Gateway Plus to factory settings
This is a necessary, last step for a complete reset and re-configuring of the device. However, it should be carefully considered in live, productive environments as it deletes all data, including provisioning files for network and other services, IoT endpoints and any third-party integrations.
Connect the scanner to the Gateway Plus - see here.
Scan the QR code below:
All applied configurations and Wi-Fi connections are removed and the scanner disconnects. The Gateway Plus disconnects from INSIGHT and restarts in about a minute.
Retrieve log files from your Gateway Plus
In order to troubleshoot your Gateway Plus device, you need to retrieve its log files.
To retrieve the log files, follow the steps described below. In case of any issues and to enable further investigations, we recommend sending this file to our Support team for reference.
Enable Mass Storage Mode on your Gateway Plus device either by scanning the QR code with the connected scanner, or by applying a Device configuration → Gateway Plus settings → Mass Storage Mode.
Once the Gateway Plus is visible on your computer as a storage device, access its files. You will find a Status folder, which represents the log files and holds all the log and device information.
Compress (zip) the Status folder and save it on your computer as a
file.Forward the file to your ProGlove representative or send it directly to our Support team via email or the Support form in INSIGHT.