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ProGlove Documentation

Photo Reporting


Our new Photo Reporting capabilities allow the worker to capture and send photos of any single detail, quality issue or event on the shop floor. Take a photo with your scanner to create a Photo Report, then send it directly to INSIGHT webportal for further review.

You can create Photo Report without ever touching the Android device screen, and you can also add a custom description when necessary. Every Photo Report sent to INSIGHT contains its date and time stamps, as well as the last barcode scanned before taking photos, giving the report more context.


Ensure your ProGlove scanners are using Scanner Firmware Gen1 version 2.10.0 and Scanner Firmware Gen2 version 1.3.0. Pair them with your Android devices using INSIGHT Mobile version 1.25.0 and connect to a level in INSIGHT.

Photo Reporting via INSIGHT Mobile

Once your devices are connected to INSIGHT, create a Workflow Rule within your Android Device configuration, to activate Photo Reporting on your scanner

Next, open the INSIGHT Mobile app and click the Photo icon in the app menu. You will see the Scanner Double Trigger setting enabled by default, since a double-press is needed to trigger the action (see Image 1). If any of the prerequisites listed above are not met, the general screen will be shown (see Image 2).

Image 1


Image 2


As soon as you activate the scanner trigger with a double-press, a Photo session screen will appear (Image 3). Your scanner will activate the laser and its lights will flash in different colors signifying it is ready to take photos. Point the scanner's laser beam to the item or area of interest, then single-press the scanner trigger again to capture an image.

Take multiple photos by triggering the scanner with consecutive single-press, and include those photos in a single report (Image 4). If there are no triggers for more than 3 seconds, the session will finish and a countdown of 3 seconds will start, before the app automatically sends the report to INSIGHT. If you want to check the report and/or add any notes before sending it, simply tap the screen of your Android device to stop the countdown and add any descriptions. Note that the description field is limited to 240 characters.

Image 3


Image 4



It can take up to 3 seconds for a single photo to be transferred to the app and appear in the grid view, as shown above. Image size and quality are optimized but in rare cases the image might not get transferred. This can be caused by a transfer delay and API design of the WAPI, which cannot be avoided. If this happens, try taking the photo again.

If you want to remove any of the photos from the report, click the TrashCanIcon.png icon in the right-hand corner of the image. In case you want to add more photos, you can continue the session by clicking the _Icon.png icon. Once your report is ready, click SEND to manually submit it or CANCEL to abort the process and start over.

Additional information

The resolution and quality settings are currently hard-coded within the INSIGHT Mobile app in order to achieve the best balance between quality and responsiveness when taking or transferring an image.

  • Maximum message size: 128 KB

  • Image resolution: Full, Half or Quarter

  • Jpeg quality setting: value from 5 to 100 that represents the .jpeg compression level, where 5 stands for high compression (low quality and smaller size) and 100 for low compression (high quality and bigger size)

For devices using Android 10 and above, this feature requires a system setting (Appear on top) to be enabled. You need to find it in the INSIGHT Mobile app and manually switch on the toggle button, as shown below. Note that on some Android devices this setting is called “Display over other apps”. Read more about required permissions for INSIGHT Mobile.


Availability and limitations:

Table 22. Feature availability

Devices and firmware

Subscription plan

Lifecycle status


MARK Basic, MARK Display, MARK 2 - Scanner Firmware Gen1 version 2.13.0

LEO, MARK 3 - version 1.5.0

INSIGHT Mobile (Android) - version 1.31.0

INSIGHT Visibility, INSIGHT Analytics

BETA feature

Firmware, Release notes



Why should I use this feature when I can take a photo with my Android device?

Photo Reporting allows you to use the scanner that is already on the back of your hand and saves you the time and effort of handling an additional device for the purpose of capturing photos. Moreover, all photos are sent directly to your INSIGHT account.


Can I activate Photo Reporting when using my Gateway as a Connectivity Device?

Yes. At this time, you can trigger Photo Reporting when using the Gateway only via Streams API messages.


Can I send photos directly to INSIGHT without an Android device?

No. An Android device is necessary for your scanners to connect with and send data to your INSIGHT account.


What is the size of files that can be sent through to INSIGHT?

Depending on the type of file, file sizes can vary. See below for some average numbers on data we currently send through the app:

  • Image of a white paper: 1-2 kb

  • Standard images: 5-10 kb

  • Random noise images: 10-20 kb

  • Test of random noise image with quality setting 20 and in highest resolution: 43 kb