ProGlove Documentation

Default configuration

On first install of Insight Mobile, the default configuration is active. This enables an out-of-the-box integration without creating a configuration file.

The default configuration allows you to:

  • Send barcode data using the SDK callbacks

  • Send barcode data using a broadcast Intent:

    • Using the action: com.proglove.api.BARCODE

    • Providing the barcode string in the extra: com.proglove.api.extra.BARCODE_DATA

    • Providing the symbology string in the extra: com.proglove.api.extra.BARCODE_SYMBOLOGY.

Replacing and deleting the configuration file

When ProGlove.proconfig is replaced:

  • If the new file contains a profile with the same profile name (ID) as the current active profile, that profile becomes active

  • If the new file does not contain a profile with the same profile name (ID) as the current active profile, the default profile from the file becomes the active one.

When ProGlove.proconfig is deleted:

  • All profiles are deleted and the app reverts to the default configuration.

To learn more, see Profiles.