ProGlove Documentation

Set up logging

To receive log messages from the SDK, confirm the PGLoggingDelegate protocol, set the PGLogging property and all the logs will be retrieved via PGLog:flag:context:file:function:line:tag:message: method:

Example 57. Objective C
@interface AppLogger () <NSObject, PGLoggingDelegate>
- (void)PGLog:(BOOL)asynchronous flag:(PGLogFlag)flag context:(NSInteger)context file:(NSString * _Nonnull)file function:(NSString * _Nonnull)function line:(NSUInteger)line tag:(nullable id)tag message:(NSString * _Nonnull)message {
    //Handle received messages

Example 58. Swift
class AppLogger: NSObject, PGLoggingDelegate
PGLogging.delegate = self
func pgLog(_ asynchronous: Bool, flag: PGLogFlag, context: Int, file: String, function: String, line: UInt, tag: Any?, message: String) { 
    //Handle received log messages