Connect multiple devices
Define the Process Layout hierarchy
In the Process Layout panel, click the three dots and select + Location.
The modal Add Location window displays.
Enter the name of the location where the device will be used and click Save.
The entered location displays in the Process Layout panel.
Click the three dots next to the defined location and select + Process Group.
Enter the name of the process group and click Save.
Click the three dots next to the defined process group and select + Process.
Enter the name of the process and click Save.
Click the three dots next to the defined process and select + Sub-Process.
Enter the name of the defined sub-process and click Save.
Your Process Layout hierarchy is now defined.
You must define all four levels of Process Layout hierarchy, in order to add a new device. If you try to add a device without specifying the full hierarchy, you will have to define it in the Connect Device screen before proceeding.

Connect multiple devices manually
On Insight Webportal, under Device Visibility, select Devices.
In the Process Layout panel, click the three dots next to the defined Subprocess and select + Device.
A modal Choose your Device window displays.
You can also select a Subprocess and click the
icon at the top of the Connectivity Devices list.
Select Insight Mobile (Android) and click Next.
In the Name section, click Add Device multiple times to add multiple devices.
The Connect Device section displays the defined Process Layout hierarchy.
If you added a device without defining the full hierarchy, you will have to define it in the Connect Device screen before proceeding. You can change all Process Layout hierarchy fields in the Connect Device screen.
For each device, enter the Device Name and click Next.
The Provision section displays.
Click Download.
The provisioned .zip file downloads with a file per each device.
Click Done.
Upload .zip file to your MDM and distribute the provisioning files to your device fleet.
To learn more, see Distributing.
The .zip file contains individual certificates for every Android device, with the unique Android device ID in the certificate’s name.
When you upload the provisioned files back into your MDM software, you can push them to their corresponding device in your Android device fleet.
The provisioned files need to be sent to the following path of all Android devices: /sdcard/Android/data/de.proglove.connect/files/
All your Android devices can now connect to the Insight Webportal platform.
Certificates are specific to a single Android device. Pushing the same certificate to multiple Android devices will not work.
Connection status
There are five connection statuses:
Not Registered - The Connectivity Device has been created using Insight Webportal or Insight API but the Registration File has not been downloaded/retrieved or could not be created.
Registering - The Connectivity Device has been created using Insight Webportal or Insight API, and the Registration File has been downloaded.
Inactive - The Connectivity Device has not been sending any messages for the last two hours.
Active - The Connectivity Device has sent a message within the last two hours.
Unknown - The Connectivity Device is in a undefined connection state
Verify connection status
There are three ways to make sure your Android device is connected to Insight Webportal:
In Insight Mobile:
Connect your scanner.
On the Device homepage, scroll down to Insight Registration.
At the bottom of Insight Registration, the Connection Status displays.
On Insight Webportal:
Under Device Visibility, select Devices.
The Connectivity Device List displays.
If registered, your device’s status displays in the Status column.
On Insight Webportal:
Connect your scanner to Insight Mobile.
Scan a barcode.
Open Insight Webportal.
Under Device Visibility, select Devices.
The connected Scanners list displays.
If connected properly, your scanner’s status displays in the Status column.