ProGlove Documentation

Button - SDK/Intent API

The Button SDK/Intent API enables you to receive events beyond simple barcode retrieval.

This feature allows you to receive an event in your application when the button is pressed twice in quick succession, like a double-click on a computer mouse, within the period of 250ms (milliseconds) followed by period of 300ms without a button press.

To learn more, see Receive Button events and Button-blocking.

To integrate the *Button** feature via Intent or SDK API, test the API with an existing app, or build out the feature’s functionalities yourself, check out the Sample app’s code in our GitHub repository.

Receive Button events

The Insight Mobile app sends a Button event when the button is pressed twice in quick succession (like a double-click on a computer mouse).

To receive this event, register a callback object via SDK or listen for broadcast Intents of the following structure:

  • Action: com.proglove.api.DISPLAY_BUTTON

  • Extras:

    • String in com.proglove.api.extra.DISPLAY_BUTTON contains the ID of the pressed button

Example 24. SDK
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {




override fun onDestroy() {

// To do this, our Activity needs to implement the `IButtonOutput` interface:

// -- IButtonOutput --

override fun onButtonPressed(buttonPressed: ButtonPress) {
    // the button presses will come on background threads, make sure to execute this on the UI Thread
    runOnUiThread {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Got a button Press: ${}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Example 25. Intent
// 1 Implement a broadcast receiver (in this case the class is called MessageHandler):

class MessageHandler : BroadcastReceiver() {
    override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
        if (intent != null && intent.action == "com.proglove.api.DISPLAY_BUTTON") {

// 2 define an IntentFilter filtering for the specified actions:

val messageHandler: MessageHandler = MessageHandler()
val filter = IntentFilter()

// 3 Somewhere where a context is available (usually an Activity's or Service's onCreate):

context.registerReceiver(messageHandler, filter) 

// Do not forget to unregister the receiver again, for example in onDestroy:


How to receive Button events for Ivanti’s Velocity browser

You can configure the button trigger to send a barcode Intent to the integrated Ivanti’s Velocity browser on double-click in order to send notifications to the worker’s MARK Display scanner.

To enable this event:

  1. On Insight Webportal , under Device Visibility, select Configurations.

    The list of existing configurations displays.

  2. At the bottom of the page, select Create New Configuration.


    You can also click the pencil icon next to an existing configuration to modify it.

  3. Select Insight Mobile (Android) and click Next.

  4. Under Workflow Rules, click Add Rule.

  5. Under Trigger, select Double-click.

  6. Under Action, select Send Intent.

  7. Click Save Action.

  8. Click Save Rule.

  9. Scan the configuration barcode to apply the configuration or download it to your Android device.

Receiving this event can be done by listening for broadcast Intents of the following structure:

  • Action: com.wavelink.intent.action.BARCODE

  • Extras:

    • com.proglove.api.extra.BARCODE_DATA=“BUTTON_PRESSED”

    • com.proglove.api.extra.BARCODE_SYMBOLOGY=“SPECIAL_BUTTON”

    • String in com.proglove.api.extra.DISPLAY_BUTTON contains the ID of the pressed button

Make sure you filter the incoming Intents by this data to distinguish it from normal scans.


The button-blocking feature allows you to block the scan-triggering on scanners. This makes it impossible to scan any barcodes until the block is resolved.

Use it in situations where the worker needs to perform an action outside of the regular workflow, like an acknowledgement of an error.

When the button is blocked, the device is unable to scan. Also, receiving button events and taking photos with scanner are temporarily disabled.

Turn on button-blocking

To block the button, call blockPgTrigger() on your PgManager reference with the following parameters:

  • PgCommand object holding the BlockPgTriggersParams(PredefinedPgTrigger.DefaultPgTrigger) and optional PgCommandParams

  • The object implementing IBlockPgTriggersCallback. After the button is successfully blocked (or in case of any errors), the IBlockPgTriggersCallback is called with the relevant information.

You can also broadcast an Intent with the following data:

  • Action: com.proglove.api.BLOCK_TRIGGER

  • No Extras

Example 26. SDK
    object : IBlockPgTriggersCallback {
        override fun onBlockTriggersCommandSuccess() {
            runOnUiThread {
                    "Blocking trigger success",

        override fun onError(error: PgError) {
            runOnUiThread {
                    "Failed to block the trigger: $error",

Example 27. Intent
val intent = Intent()

Turn off button-blocking

The button can be unblocked by calling blockTrigger() on PgManager reference with the following parameters:

  • PgCommand object holding the BlockPgTriggersParams(null) and optional PgCommandParams

  • The object implementing IBlockPgTriggersCallback. After the button is successfully unblocked (or in case of any errors), the IBlockPgTriggersCallback is called with the relevant information.

You can also broadcast an Intent with the following data:

  • Action: com.proglove.api.UNBLOCK_TRIGGER

  • No Extras

Example 28. SDK
    object : IBlockPgTriggersCallback {
        override fun onBlockTriggersCommandSuccess() {
            runOnUiThread {
                    "Unblocking trigger success",

        override fun onError(error: PgError) {
            runOnUiThread {
                    "Failed to unblock the trigger: $error",

Example 29. Intent
val intent = Intent()

Another way to unblock the button is by pressing the button twice in quick succession. In that case, Insight Mobile sends out a button unblocked event to all subscribed SDK callbacks and broadcasts an Intent of the following structure:

  • Action: com.proglove.api.TRIGGER_UNBLOCKED

  • No Extras

To get this, call the pgManager.subscribeToPgTriggersUnblocked() function and implement the ITriggersUnblockedOutput interface.

For example, in the same onCreate of our sample app we subscribe to the button unblocked info, and we unsubscribe in the onDestroy() function.

Example 30. SDK
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

override fun onDestroy() {

// To do this, our Activity needs to implement the `ITriggersUnblockedOutput` interface:

// -- ITriggersUnblockedOutput --

override fun onPgTriggersUnblocked() {
    // the trigger unblocked events will come on background threads, make sure to execute this on the UI Thread
    runOnUiThread {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Trigger unblocked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Example 31. Intent
// 1 Implement a broadcast receiver (in this case the class is called MessageHandler):

class MessageHandler : BroadcastReceiver() {
    override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
        if (intent != null && intent.action == "com.proglove.api.TRIGGER_UNBLOCKED") {
            // Trigger unblocked

// 2 define an IntentFilter filtering for the specified actions:

val messageHandler: MessageHandler = MessageHandler()
val filter = IntentFilter()

// 3 Somewhere where a context is available (usually an Activity's or Service's onCreate):

context.registerReceiver(messageHandler, filter) 

// Do not forget to unregister the receiver again, for example in onDestroy:


When the button is unblocked, scanning, receiving button events and taking photos with scanner are enabled again.