ProGlove Documentation

Initiate connection

Create the Central Manager object

To initiate and set the delegate to the central manager object, confirm PGCentralManagerDelegate and use the initWithDelegate:enableRestoration: method.

Example 49. Objective C
#import <ConnectSDK/ConnectSDK.h>
@interface ViewController () <PGCentralManagerDelegate>
@property PGCentralManager *central;
- (void)setup {
   self.central = [[PGCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self enableRestoration:NO];

Example 50. Swift
import ConnectSDK
class ViewController: UIViewController, PGCentralManagerDelegate {
var central: PGCentralManager?
func setup() {
    central = PGCentralManager(delegate: self, enableRestoration: false)

Initiate new connections

To initiate a new connection, create a connection QR code by invoking the PGCentralManager method initiateScannerConnectionWithImageSize (make sure Bluetooth is on by checking the PGCentralManager state).

Example 51. Objective C
if (self.central.state != PGManagerStatePoweredOn) {
    // In case Bluetooth is unavailable
CGFloat imageSize = MIN(self.qrImageView.frame.size.width, self.qrImageView.frame.size.height);
UIImage *image = [self.central initiateScannerConnectionWithImageSize:CGSizeMake(imageSize, imageSize)];
self.qrImageView.image = image;

Example 52. Swift
guard central.state == .poweredOn else {
// In case Bluetooth is unavailable
let imageSize = min(qrImageView.frame.size.width, qrImageView.frame.size.height)
let image = central.initiateScannerConnection(withImageSize: CGSize(width: imageSize, height: imageSize))

qrImageView.image = image

Connection state machine

The diagram below details the states during the scanner's connection process to the customer app.
