Get device information
To retrieve a connected device’s information, use the PGPeripheral requestDeviceInformation
method. Method accepts DeviceInfoCommand
, wrapping the PGDeviceInformationRequest
and completionHandler
If successful, the completion handler will return PGDeviceInformation
object containing all the available information.
In case the request fails, an error object will be returned via the completion handler.
Currently exposed data-points:
Example 83. Objective C
- (void)requestDeviceInformationWithDeviceInfoCommand:(nonnull PGCommand<PGDeviceInformationRequest *> *)deviceInfoCommand completionHandler:(void (^_Nonnull)(PGDeviceInformation * _Nullable deviceInformation, NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler;
Example 84. Swift
func requestDeviceInformation(withDeviceInfoCommand deviceInfoCommand: PGCommand<PGDeviceInformationRequest>, completionHandler: @escaping (PGDeviceInformation?, Error?) -> Void)